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Ad Placement Policies

A. Classified and Display Ads

  1. May not include any content that is obscene, harmful to minors, an invasion of privacy, offensive, or otherwise illegal or inappropriate.
  2. May not sale any adult oriented services or products.
  3. May not use the Mountain Merchant services for fraudulent activities.
  4. May not use automated routines to gather information from Mountain Merchant or any action that is repetitive which would degrade the site's performance.
  5. May not place ads or images on site or in print that promote racism, sexism, intolerance, hatred, violence, or are obscene in nature.
  6. Ads for companies offering jobs for envelope stuffing, home mailers or mailing, credit cards for bad debt or no credit, and loans and credit resolution must have approval from the publication prior to placing ad. Publications will do any or all the following: 1) Contact company as if attempting to respond to ad as a customer or 2) Contacting the Attorney General in the state the company operate in or 3) Contact the Better Business Bureau in the city the company operates. If the company does not respond, or found to be fraudulent, or there are complaints filed with the Attorney General's office and/or Better Business Bureau against the company, then the ad will be refused and refunded.
  7. May not state a discriminatory preference based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap or disability, familial status, national origin, (and in certain states on the basis of marital status, source of income, age or sexual orientation), or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination, in any advertisement concerning the sale or rental of a dwelling.
  8. The follow items, in addition to those already listed, are prohibited:
    1. Ads for sexually oriented materials or services.
    2. Loans requiring up front money in the ad.
    3. Personal or dateline ads.
    4. Ads that promote other Internet Classifieds sites, or Classifieds programs.
    5. Psychic or palm reading ads.
    6. Adoption ads in states where it is expressly prohibited by law to advertise for adoption.
    7. Ads for TV-satellite de-scramblers & "Cherry Pickers" & "Lemon Busters".

B. Classified Ads

  1. The following symbols: / ; \ , . ! ? _ ( ) { } or : count as a space and the words on either side of the symbol will be counted as two separate words.

Mountain Merchant and affiliated publications reserve the right to terminate any classified ad or picture without notice if it is believed that the ad or picture does not comply with our User Agreement or Ad Placement Policies.